ওয়েবডিফাই বিডি - সর্বশেষ ব্লগার টেমপ্লেট, ব্লগারের জন্য এসইও, ওয়েবসাইট অপ্টিমাইজেশন, শীর্ষস্থানীয় ফ্রি ব্লগার টেম্পলেট, ইনকাম অ্যাপ্লিকেশন, ব্লগিং টিপস 2020,

12 October, 2020

full info: How do I cut copy and paste?

We can all write in different languages ​​now. Wrong - is there a revolution? How can we overcome the mistakes and revolutions?

full info: How do I cut copy and paste?

The process by which errors in a document are corrected is called editing. The tasks that are usually done in editing are briefly described below: 

📝 Select: 

Editing Different tasks often require selecting a letter, word, sentence or part of a document. The cursor must be taken at the beginning of the designated place for selection. Then hold down the Shift key and press the right arrow HI SHIFT}} key to select a character, word, sentence or part. 


Many times a letter word, sentence or part of a document has to be moved from one place to another. 

To do this, first select 

 letters, words, sentences, or parts and press the Ctrl and X keys together on the keyboard (Ctrl X) Copy}:

Many times you have to copy or copy any letter, word, sentence or part of a document from one place to another. 

To do this, first select the letter, word, sentence or part and press Ctrl and C keys on the keyboard together. (CTRL c) 

📋 Paste {Paste}: The 

word paste literally means to glue. Cut and copy Laura's next task is to paste the selected letter, word, sentence or part in the designated place. 

To do this, after using the cut or copy command, move the cursor to the specified location and press Ctrl and V together (Ctrl V) 

Delete {Delete} or delete To delete 

a letter, word, sentence or part of a document The Del key is used. You must first select what you want to delete. 

Then press Delete or Del or BackSpace key to delete the selected part.

Tag: Select, cut, copy, paste, Delete, Ctrl, Documents, Keyboard, BackSpace, Computer Setting,    

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